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Traditional Active-Passive High Availability Practices are Dead

October 5, 2022
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LONDON –(TechNative)– 

Today’s always-on businesses require true active-active capabilities to keep up with modern real-time data demands, argues Wasima Khan, Director of Technical Programme Management at Peer Software

“Ultimately, the main difference between the active-passive and active-active architectures is performance. By distributing the workload across several nodes, the active-active cluster allows you to access the resources of all your servers whereas an active-passive cluster will only activate the backup server in times of failover. Engines such as NetApp SnapMirror, Dell EMC SyncIQ and Nutanix Smart DR are examples of active-passive technologies. Data gets duplicated either within the same data centre, from one system to another, or between separate, asynchronous sites. While technically solid, the passive nature of the backup copy and the manual intervention required to make it live is less than ideal.”


Read the full article here.

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